Pakistan on Thursday in three separate bombings killed at least 21 people, including six of whom were military personnel.
According to police in Quetta city agency thousand passengers in the bus bombing killed at least 13 people and wounding more than 25. Says attack victims were pilgrims.
Earlier, a military convoy in Khyber Agency in a bomb attack killed and four injured captain and five officers were.
The convoy was passing through Bare Tehsil bomb planted in the road it was targeted.
Thursday morning in the same area by suspected Taliban fighters attacked a peace army had killed two volunteers. Pakistan on Thursday in three separate bombings killed at least 21 people, including six of whom were military personnel.
According to police in Quetta city agency thousand passengers in the bus bombing killed at least 13 people and wounding more than 25. Sash attack victims were pilgrims.
Earlier, a military convoy in Khyber Agency in a bomb attack killed and four injured captain and five officers were.
The convoy was passing through Bara Tehsil bomb planted in the road it was targeted.
Thursday morning in the same area by suspected Taliban fighters attacked a peace army had killed two volunteers.

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