Experts say that suicide risk increases when the soldiers return to normal life and stress caused by war hulnakyun, born in kyntyjy mental trauma injuries, abuse and financial problems facing the human body you have to do. They all issues, like military life are bound to stand alone without the system. U.S. soldiers with the same theorem.

For many U.S. soldiers serving in Iraq and Afghanistan wars have returned home this time is more difficult than what is spent on the war. The rate of suicide in veterans is growing. General population to commit suicide than those who are more. Now that every day when an army is killing its own soldiers, the military leadership and relatives to understand the problem
Are trying.
Lypstyn Josh's death and the Iraq war were not used in bombs. His death was due to return home, the 23-year-old soldier, returned from Iraq on his second deployment last year committed suicide. The
Lypstyn father Don said his son was into drugs and fear of stigma, in front of army doctors were afraid to speak out.
Experts say that suicide risk increases when the soldiers return to normal life and stress caused by war hulnakyun, born in kyntyjy mental trauma injuries, abuse and financial problems facing the human body you have to do. They all issues, like military life are bound to stand alone without the system.
In February last, their deployment in Afghanistan later took his own life. At least that much had been stepped up to help Michael and counseling from the department was trying to get help. But whenis, and they can not help more.
This program runs the risk of their having failed to take responsibility. Result is that many people are missing the opportunity to help.
In a recent conference in Washington, U.S. government health experts said that 70 percent of suicides, military doctors have met many people who have committed suicide on the same day they are received from a doctor.
Defense Minister Leon pnyta as they say these problems are perhaps the most difficult problem of suicide. Don lypstn now can not get my son back, but he joined a group
Michael Harris wrote these words on the tomb ktby: The world was not worthy of this man's great qualities. It had to be alive after returning home


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