Al Qaeda in Yemen by the movement of their workers to bike instead of cars, the government encouraged the use of motorcycles possible by a monitoring plan for the prevention of terrorism is issued.
Monitoring Committee, including the capital snaaء security on the roads in many major cities has been tougher. Sidewalks and find a place where motorcycles are checking that passengers have also encountered difficulties. Government initiative based in Norfolk before the twenty-four hours of active extremist group al-Qaeda supporters were instructed to save their lives during the movement of vehicles used to bike instead.

Captain Mohammad Saleh, the Yemeni Interior Ministry official, told Al Arabiya NET 'from motorcycles to security officials to monitor the implementation of a plan which has been developed. The motor May bicycles patrolling troubled areas in five districts will be studied and its affiliates.
Yemeni security official said that al-Qaeda and the government gave instructions to his workers as serious threats. Qaeda from their workers if they were asked if they use the bike for us an important message that we prepare for this response in all cities in the country is riding a normal motorcycle use.
Yemen believed that at least one million people in the southern districts as a vehicle used by motorcycle. Security Plan issued by the Government resulted in civilians will face severe difficulties.
Al Qaeda in Yemen on Friday by the active workers were instructed to refrain from the use of cars to drive cars through the drone of their movement can be easily identified. Which they may pose a threat to life. So they use motorcycles instead of cars and travel separately. Only during rainy season and the vehicle is used in critical situations. Travel domestically for only one of motorbikes is used.

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