President Barack Obama said Friday on a tour of Colorado, where large-scale forest conflagration and many houses were damaged.

State's second largest city, about 35 thousand residents kuluydu Spring forced to leave their homes.

  Suddenly erupt on Tuesday after wild fire was out of control. Risk area in the Air Force Academy, two residential colonies has also been evacuated.

The area of fire is 7400 Akar . But officials said that currently they can not confirm how many houses and buildings damaged by wild fires been subtracted. As the flames rise higher due to massive losses in the affected areas is difficult to calculate.

Imagine an air of Denver purst newspaper published the affected area is estimated that the destruction of nearly three hundred homes is estimated.

Forest Fire in the Forest huatha nysl Pike agazgzsty week. Many summer days on the job to increase the intensity of the fire.

Krrhahy adarhyh investigate whether the federal investigation of conflagration is not the result of this incident is a criminal act.


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